Katie Livermore

Owner - TwoFourTwo

Katie Livermore . Owner - TwoFourTwo . Born Launceston 1955 . Lived in Launceston most of my life

I love living in Launceston! I appreciate the smallness of the city. It feels like a large country town. There is a joy in the familiarity of faces, businesses, acquaintances and characters that bustle around the streets. I have a sense of community in Launceston that I belong and the belonging is crucial to how I feel and my sense of being. Having lived here all my life, with bouts of travel and living “down South’” for 12 years I know that it is a joy to return home.
Even though I live in central Launceston, there are those fantastic moments of quiet, breathtaking sunsets, walking through the Gorge feeling like it belongs to me as I am the only one there, or walking the dog and indulging in the peace and quiet of small back streets and the eccelectic collections of old and new architecture.
Launceston has come of age, we are up there now with the best. We have good food, good coffee, fantastic wine, design and a strong arts community, some spearheading global businesses and many exciting cultural events that put us on the map ......... all here in little Launnie. We are no longer a cultural desert, plenty of culture is coming our way and if I want more, in a day I can fly to Melbourne partake in a big city sights and sounds, find inspiration and be home in time for tea!
We have it all, the best of all worlds, the coast is close with pristine beaches and plentiful bounty, the mountains not far away with their national parks, beautiful countryside and rivers to kayak and fabulous produce for the picking ..... all only a short drive away.
But, we all have to work together to bring it all together and sssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell too many people!

Alan Livermore


Matthew Tyson