Autumn Leaves & Winter Woolies

It may seem counter intuitive , after all, the whole thing about autumn is that the leaves change colour, but hear me out! During summer the leaves are all green. in black and white, this equates to a single tone of grey. However in autumn, the leaves range from green, through yellows and reds to brown, each one of those colours representing a different shade of grey.  Add to this that its time for warmer clothes, with jackets and  hats, and that the leaves that have fallen off the trees and now lie in big piles on the ground are just as much fun in either colour or black and white, and we have the recipe for some great, interactive images that will transform your moments into enduring works of art, preserving the warmth and character of this remarkable season.

We’re looking for 10 families to help build up a portfolio of these stunning Autumn Leaves & Winter Woolies images

These sessions are at no cost to you (they're normally $150.00). Plus, we'll include a matted print to say thanks!

Your photography session must take place before June 1st

Just fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch with more information